
Seminar: The Future of Audit 13/06/2019

May 10, 2019

Technology has never before had such a major impact on the audit profession, that's why we will guide you through the present and future of the profession on Thursday June 13th at LHoFT in Luxembourg.

During the seminar, we will update you on further developments of our new PBC app, CaseWare Working Papers 2019, CaseWare Cloud, CaseWare Analytics and the CaseWare Lux GAAP solution.

Get inspired by our keynote speaker: Jaap de Waard (CaseWare International), Head of Business Development Europe & Middle East.

13:00-13:30: welcome
13:30-15:30: presentations
15:30-16:00: coffee break
16:00-17:00: presentations part 2
17:00-18:00: networking

Please confirm your attendance here.
Fondation LHoFT
9, rue du Laboratoire
L-1911 Luxembourg

We hope to see you there!

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information via

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