
Reach a new level of productivity and efficiency with CaseWare Cloud

July 6, 2018

Always and everywhere your engagements available, that’s the central idea of cloud applications.

Having your engagements available online has several advantages. You still work with your trusted programs, but you add an extra dimension:

  • A bigger automatization and streamlining of your work processes
  • Makes it easier to collaborate with colleagues and clients
  • Availability of your engagements anytime and anywhere

With Practice Management in CaseWare Cloud, you can monitor the quality, progress and status of your engagements from one central point. The intuitive dashboard gives you real-time information on all your engagements at a glance. This enables you to maintain a handy overview of your organisation at all times and thus increase productivity and efficiency.

The Practice Management dashboard gives you an up-to-date insight into key figures, ratios, materiality levels and other important information enabling you to provide fast and accurate control. The dashboard also warns you about pressing deadlines or reports that are not yet final.

The integrated collaboration platform makes collaboration in your team easier. The office can also communicate with customers from a single, secure location.

Are you curious about how CaseWare Cloud works in practice? Request a free demo.


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