
New automated Lux GAAP Financial Statement software

July 13, 2018

CaseWare Belgium and Luxembourg is innovating the way financial statements are drawn up in Luxembourg by expanding on the eCDF solution. The CaseWare Lux GAAP solution automatically generates  tailored and flexible financial statements in English, French and German. The software supports single entities as well as consolidated financial statements and securitization vehicles.

What are the advantages of the CasWare Lux Gaap solution?

  • Significant accounting policies, standard notes and disclosures
  • The mandatory reports (management report and auditor report)
  • Additional easy to use free format notes & disclosures
  • Notes based on the availability of figures
  • Option to design your own version of standard notes
  • Clear checks and validations throughout the financial statement

The produced financial statements are ready for filing at the eCDF and R.C.S. filing portals.

For more information go to the Lux GAAP solution page.
Do you want to know how CaseWare Lux GAAP can add value to your office? Don't hestitate to contact us for an online demo!


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