
CaseWare Lux GAAP version 1.3 is available

November 5, 2018

A new version of our CaseWare Lux GAAP template has been released. Do you have any additional questions? Our support department is happy to help.

Click here for a download and installation manual
Click here to go to our download portal

Version 1.3 changes

  • Management Report was added
  • Financial Statements
    • Increased support for future Improvement Management
      • Future updates will be able to retain much more information during the update process
      • Every note is impacted by this and should be updated to support future improvement management
    • Management report insert was disabled for small companies
    • Auditor’s report was disabled for companies that are not audited
    • Ability to display all notes in landscape orientation was added
    • Increased support to accommodate large numbers
      • Up to 99.999.999.999,99 in the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts
      • Columns in the notes can now be manually increased in width if necessary
    • Freeform notes
      • Multiple mappings can now be selected as validation check in the Freeform1 note table.
      • Freeform1 and Freeform2 note templates can now be used as expansions on other notes by leaving the title blank
    • Update notifications can now be hidden until next time the financial statements are opened
    • RTF export has been removed
    • All eCDF validations have been added
    • Compliance fixes for the headers, footers and cover page
    • Added support for reporting in periods other than years (quarterly, …)
  • Entity Information additions
    • Legal form SAS
    • VAT and Matricule fields
    • Board members
    • Question “Is the Company audited?”
  • Mapping
    • Automatic mapping of NETINC after import
    • Mappings 66-76 (extraordinary charges and income) were made unassignable
      • Previously 66-76-mapped accounts require remapping after this update
  • Consolidation structure can now be set up through the dashboard
  • Increased security regarding the authoring of office content
  • Various bugfixes and user experience enhancements throughout the template

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