
A new Cloud application is available - PBC!

February 1, 2019

Are you looking for an efficient way to exchange information with your clients? A brand new PBC (Prepared By Client) application has been made available for you!

CaseWare Cloud PBC is a very simple and easy-to-use application that is designed to eliminate the tedious and unstructured back and forth e-mail communication that occurs when requesting information from clients.

The application allows you to set up questionnaires that are tailored to the engagement. Your clients are provided with an upload portal and an overview of the requested information. Documents that are received through the PBC application automatically flow into a structured document manager.

The PBC application functions as an extension of your existing desktop solution in CaseWare Working Papers. It provides the added benefits of the Cloud platform to those who wish to work in a desktop environment. The PBC application itself as well as the received documents can be easily integrated within CaseWare Working Papers.

Please watch the video for a quick demo of the product.

If you want more information or you still have some questions, please contact

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